

Original price was: R299.00.Current price is: R249.00.

When you purchase a physical copy of Born To Prosper you will also receive : Free access to your Born To Prosper online seminar Session 1:PROSPEROUS PRINCIPLES COURSE

Your Born To Prosper book will take you on a life changing journey of discovering:

-The Two Laws God hinged His creation upon.

-How to establish a prosperous mindset.

-How to establish and grow your faith.

-How to bring order in your finances and set budgets.

-Understanding your purpose in and through the local church.

-How to increase your value in life

…..and much more





When you purchase a physical copy of Born To Prosper you will also receive : Free access to your Born To Prosper online seminar Session 1:PROSPEROUS PRINCIPLES COURSE

Your Born To Prosper book will take you on a life changing journey of discovering:

-The Two Laws God hinged His creation upon.

-How to establish a prosperous mindset.

-How to establish and grow your faith.

-How to bring order in your finances and set budgets.

-Understanding your purpose in and through the local church.

-How to increase your value in life

…..and much more


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